Teacher Ed. Division of Council for Exceptional Children

Teacher Ed. Division of Council for Exceptional Children

I haven’t posted in a while because I have been away at a conference since Tuesday. I presented on my eWorkbooks at this national conference and I had a lot of opportunities to promote StudioCode. 🙂 As I have mentioned in the past, special education uses a lot of single case design research with only a few participants and one or two dependent variables. Some of the people who attended my session were amazed by how many dependent variables I could measure with StudioCode, though most did not quite understand how video coding software could make this possible. What I have found is that video coding software  in general promoted for qualitative researchers, who tend to not like to change their methods for finding trends in data.  At the University at Buffalo, we have a video coding program called NVivo installed on many faculty computers, but I don’t know of many researcher who use it.  The few I have talked to say it’s more trouble than it’s worth.  I don’t know a lot about what this program can do in comparison to StudioCode, but I have added to my list of things to explore.  I described how I am using StudioCode both in my presentation and just through conversation at this conference, and most researchers had no idea there was software that could do all this.   I think from a marketing standpoint, teacher researchers don’t like change and have a difficult time justifying spending a lot of time to learn something new unless they know what kinds of benefits it will afford them.  This is the difficulty I have with technology integration at the higher ed level in general.  I plan on making some short videos of basic coding that I can use to show around UB, on this blog, and to the other researchers in my contacts.  I want these short videos to “wow” them and to give them little tastes of what StudioCode can do because I think this software is absolutely invaluable to my research! As I make them, I will post them to this blog….I am giving my permission for anyone to share them and use them for StudioCode promotion as well 🙂

PS – I’ve heard from a few people about some collaboration, but I’d love to hear from more!  I’m having such a great time exploring this program for an area in which I have such passion.  If my readers/viewers want me to create any tutorials or to discuss anything specific, please let me know!  Cheers!

TED Group

My group from UB at the TED 2013 Conference

Posted on November 9, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Tara, really interesting comments. Thanks Philip

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