Monthly Archives: January 2015

Graphs in the Code Window for Data Visualization

Looking at a grid of timer outputs in the code window is not generally the fastest way to digest the massive amounts of information you collect from video data.  For this reason, I decided to make graphs to display this information.  Scripting allows you to make buttons that change color based on calculated values, so bar graphs are fairly easy to generate.

For anyone who will be at Texas Christian University for the Studiocode conference next week, I will be presenting on data visualization in the code window and will recap all the different ways I have used scripting to create clear representations of my data.  Come with ideas for your own research and we will brainstorm the best ways to visualize your data as well!

More Alternate Names

Here is the next stage of my Independence code window.  Something I did not mention before was that in addition to following the teacher around the classroom to calculate student independence, I will also need to follow around the Teaching Assistant and myself (the researcher).  All three of us were in the room during independent math practice and could have assisted the students.  In this screencast I show you how I used alternate names to add this component and how I added some output scripting to display some key information about student independence.

Restructuring Independence Text Labels

At the end of my last post I mentioned it wasn’t ideal to have a duplicate seating chart version of my alternate names text labels.  In this screencast I demonstrate how to layer these text labels with invisible borders and fills so I do not need to duplicate the seating chart.  I also show how to visually test to see whether your activation links are correct, especially when you have made adjustments to the code window after having a lot of linking.  Now the code window looks much neater and I will have room to add some data visualization graphs.

Building the New Independence Code Window

I’m finally back from all of my January traveling and I am really excited about getting back to coding my research.  In this screencast I will give you a quick recap of my last post and then show you how I have added some scripting to calculate how much time the teacher spends with individual students as well as students by subgroup and by intervention condition.