Monthly Archives: July 2013

Progress Update 2

The video coding with my code windows is going very smoothly so far now that I have the activation and deactivation codes figured out.  The next step for me is to work on some scripting to see how I can report some of the information I mentioned during my screencasts.   I have an upcoming research project this fall where I will be re-doing my research from my pilot study due to some poor video angles and a slightly changed methodology.  I have learned a lot about how I need to film the videos, especially to evaluate the engagement of students.  I need a much clearer look at the iPad itself.  I believe I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I’ll recap what changes I will make:


I will need two cameras to get two angles on the student(s) for this study.  The first camera will have a more distant shot of the room so I can look at independence of the student.  The other camera angle will be angled downward at the student(s) so I get a zoomed in view of their interaction with the iPad.  I need to play with the video to see how clear I can get that shot.  I considered using an “airplay” app that allows the student’s interaction with the iPad to be sent as a screencast to my computer, which could then be recorded as it’s own video, but the only problem with that is then I cannot see the student’s hands and the gestures used to interact.  I may decide to use all three angles (whole-class view, angled down at the student/iPad, and the iPad screencast) or I may just use the first two angles.  Either way, because of the video stacking feature in Studiocode, I will be able to analyze both videos on the same timeline if I line up their starting points.  I do not currently have any stackable videos, but I may make a sample to practice on with me manipulating the iPad.  I think it’s important for me to understand this feature before I start my official study.


In terms of my video blog, it’s time to assess what I’ve done and figure out my next steps in the learning process.  Here is my plan for the next few weeks:


1)   Create sample videos that are stackable and that will mimic the videos I will take for my fall research study

2)   Clarify my research questions and determine exactly what information I need to report in terms of measurable data.

3)   Set up another training session with Ryan to review and extend my knowledge on scripting so I can code video and calculate the measurable data I need.

4)   Code my sample videos using my already created code windows and try to utilize the information for looking for patterns utilizing a qualitative methodology.


As a final note for this post, this process has made me think about the training for Studiocode.  I am generally pretty good with technology and have experience with video editing, so I was able to follow the day-long training fairly well.   Not all educational researchers have as much experience as I do with this, and I can see them getting very confused and overwhelmed with receiving so much information in the same day.  In the near future I would like to use my educational lesson plan/presenting background to design a general plan for trainings for educators.  I don’t know that the best way to provide training is to go over all of the features (including the analytics) at the same time if you are trying to persuade educators to use your program.  I think a more constructivist approach might be more appropriate and might lead to more permanent learning.  I’ll elaborate on this more in the near future, but I just wanted to throw the idea out there.  Reflecting on my experience with both the initial training and my experience constructing my own meaning by playing with the software, I have a lot of ideas to combine both practices for training purposes.  Like I said though, I’ll make a post in the near future that clarifies and elaborates on these ideas.  🙂

Engagement Code Window BEFORE and AFTER

This first video shows the “before” version of my Engagement code window:

I used what I learned from creating the Independence code window to restructure the Engagement code window:

Updated Code Window

I made changes on the code window based on some suggestions I received. While I was doing that, I realized another addition I would need to make. In this screencast I demonstrate my changes and my thought process for making those changes. On a side note, I want to point out the importance of making changes to the code window yourself rather than allowing someone else to make it for you. Some of the educational researchers I know are hesitant to use video coding software for qualitative studies because they believe it’s too much of a hassle to learn the complicated software. I believe that I am digging deeper into my own research by utilizing this software. Building a code window really makes me think about my data in a new way. I would highly recommend this inquiry approach to educational researchers.

Owen’s solution

Owen's solution

I was figuring that in order to accomplish what I was explaining in my last video, I would need to have some duplicate text labels and some additional activation/deactivation links. I had actually prepared another video where I tried to solve my problem myself, but I just ran into some other problems. I will now use Owen’s suggestion to fix the links on my codes. I separated the duplicated boxes on the image to show the link patterns, but I will probably place the duplicated code boxes on top of one another when I’m done to neaten up the code window. The biggest challenge I foresee is organizing my thought process as I make this chain of links for each code on my code window. I think it would be very easy to miss a link if I didn’t have an organized plan of attack.

Yet Another Restructuring

After I made the last video post, I attempted to code a video but I ran into some roadblocks. If you haven’t watch the previous video (“A New Structure”), watch that one before you watch this screencast where I describe another round of restructuring to circumvent these roadblocks.

PS – This restructuring still hasn’t fixed everything, but more on that tomorrow!

A New Structure

This screencast will show my new code window for “Independence” based on some changes I made after reviewing comments from the staff at StudioCode.

Benefits and Limitations of Text Labels

As I started coding my videos for Independent Work Habits, I discovered some benefits and limitations of using text labels as opposed to making new codes. In this screencast I describe my challenge and the solution I came up with. StudioCode experts: I’d love your continued feedback on this one!

Progress Update

I have spent the past bunch of days continuing to develop my code window while also evaluating some of the videos I captured during my pilot study as I am preparing to start the coding process.  Here is a brief summary of changes I have made along with a screenshot of my latest draft of my code window:

Structural Changes to my Code Window

  1. I changed “Exploratory Engagement” from a text label to it’s own separate code.  (Even though it activates Positive Engagement and is in that hierarchy, I still think it should be it’s own category.
  2. I added hotkeys to each of the engagement text labels to make coding easier.
  3. I unlinked the non-engagement text labels and the Independent Working code.  (See my note later about how I want to separate my coding for Engagement and Independence)
  4. I added a few more text labels to the Independence codes.

July 9 Code Window


New Thoughts as I Begin Coding my Videos:

  1. Originally I wanted to find a way to add activation/deactivation links between engagement and independence codes so I wouldn’t have to watch the videos twice and code separately.  Then I realized that there are just too many different possibilities….just because a student is positively engaging, doesn’t mean the student is doing so independently, so I can’t automatically have an activation link.  I think I should keep them separate.  If anyone has any thoughts on this, I am all ears!
  2. Will it be easier to use hotkeys or just to press the code buttons since I have so many codes?  Do I have too many codes?
  3. As I am looking at my videos, I notice it will be very easy to code independence based on my camera angles, but not so easy to code engagement.  This process has caused me to rethink the way I will be filming my students for my actual study this fall.  I will definitely have to use multiple camera angles (a close up on each student where I can have a clearer view of the iPad screen as well as a wider angle view of the classroom to code independence).  Luckily this software allows for coding of multiple angles! (None of my videos meet these requirements, so later into this project I will make my own videos to experiment with this feature).


Restructuring and Reorganizing Your Code Window

One of the benefits of StudioCode is the ease in which one can restructure their code window.  I have been building my code window while watching some of my videos (which I will officially code later).  The more I watched my videos, the more I realized I had a conceptual error in the structure of my codes.  In this screencast I describe the conceptual change I want to make and I make changes to my code window in “real time” to demonstrate how simple the program makes it to restructure and reorganize.

(I could not remember some of the keyboard shortcuts off the top of my head for this demonstration, which would have made this process even faster.  I think I am going to go back to the manual and play around with keyboard shortcuts again. 🙂 )

Thinking about deactivation links…

As I was exploring these deactivation links I came up with some questions…